Monday, July 30, 2007


I actually got to step into a Kwik-E-Mart over the weekend in Mountain View! It was amazing. They even had the pink frosted donuts that were rolling around on the screen on Fox during the ad breaks. They had cratefuls of the pink donuts. I didn't buy any, thinking that the frosting was going to melt. I did buy some slushee cups though, so that will be my collectible.

I had the best time in San Francisco. My sister and her significant other took me to the Ferry Building and we caught the tail end of the farmer's market there. They had organic french-style yogurt served in ceramic containers that were the cutest things, and they had the awesomest lemonade. It was a cool place. I definitely have to go back there again.

I was also introduced to Bikram yoga, or "hot yoga", and it was amazing. I can't wait for the center in San Bernardino to open so I can start taking classes there!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Missing In Action

Wow... I guess it has been a while since I've added a post. It's been a crazy past month. I can only remember half of it. It's starting to get really busy at work since it's getting towards the end of the year, and we've had some kitty emergencies and surgeries as well as family things going on since Joe, Meagan and AJ are moving this weekend. Thing for the WJW Foundation are moving forward (I started the incorporation process), and we also received a wonderful gift from Anthony's folks this past weekend of a new TV. The Harry Potter movie is out, and I hope to see it this weekend, and the world will finally know what becomes of Harry and Lord Voldemort this weekend. Things can't get any better. Life, as nutty as it is, is good. I think I'm finally happy and comfortable. It's taken me a while to get here but I am extremely lucky to have the life I do.

Next up: more updates :) I think I will try to catch up with my blog.