Tuesday, December 31, 2013

So long, 2013!

Wow, what a year. I'm starting this post 53 minutes away from the stroke of midnight, and I'm still up, reflecting on the year. The year has been a blur of events, and I'm trying to recall all that's happened. That's what I get for not keeping a diary or blogging often enough. I'm wary of making resolutions for the next year though, since the one resolution I made for 2013 (to learn to sew) hasn't yet come to fruition.

The biggest event that happened in 2013 was the arrival of our little girl, and our family of two became three. We settled into our home here in San Diego, and were lucky to find renters pretty quickly for our old house when it became available for rent. We had to upgrade to a mom mobile since my old faithful car's transmission started going south, and having an unreliable vehicle with a newborn was not an option for us. I've been semi-retired for most of the year, but the new job of being a 24-7 mom had a pretty steep learning curve, and definitely took some getting used to. I still don't feel like I'm doing a good enough job of being a mom.

As 2013 ends, I'm resolving to be a little more organized, to clean out my closet, and to finally unpack all those boxes I have in the garage. When I have some time. I also hope to start cooking again, now that baby is a little bit older, and is a bit more independent. I need to figure out how to squeeze work-work into my day, and figure out how to keep baby busy while stimulating her wonderful growing self. Lots of things to figure out. Hmm. I'll just resolve to enjoy every single day of 2014, and just focus on the positives :)

It's 17 minutes away from midnight... that's how long it's taken my tired mind to string together some semi-cohesive thoughts. Sleep, here I come. Happy new year, everyone!

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